Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What happened to "THE LEFT"...?

Spoiler...some of "The Left" still exists, in American punditry if not American politics.  Bookmark the site of the two links I'm providing...very Bay Area, and features the iconic Robert Scheer of Ramparts Magazine fame...good stuff...the truth marches on!

I was one of the "angry Vietnam Veterans" the author points as part of the McGovern coalition.  As we watch George pass on to better places and read the many tributes to his courage and decency, we have to wonder....where is that decency and courage in our politics today?

It is well known that Bill and Hillary Clinton interrupted their law studies to occupy major roles in the McGovern campaign.  They are now represented as centrists along the spectrum.  Romney has run ads trying to represent Obama as to the left of Clinton.

 He is both his domestic and foreign policies he is a centrist moderate, and certainly less so on the latter.  A leftist would not be raining drone directed death on innocents...a leftist would have closed Gitmo...a leftist would have followed the advice of his Vice President regarding the "surge" in Afghanistan.  A leftist would have ordered the attack on the murderous Osama Bin Laden.  As we saw the other nite, there was no debate...Romney turned tail on almost everything he had said previously (surprise!) and we ended up with this:

"Middle East policy would remain the same, with unquestioned support for Israel, no American troops sent to Syria or Libya, general support for Egypt and other Arab Spring regimes, slow withdrawal from Afghanistan, more drones and a big defense establishment."

And every politician agrees....99% of the punditry agrees...I ask...where is the outrage?

Where I disagree with Hedges is his hope....the 1972 defeat was disastrous in a moral sense.  The republicrites managed to turn the word "liberal" into an epithet with visions of dirty long haired dope smoking hippies, those castigated in song by the likes of Merle Haggard...that's after he got out of prison!

All the political types ran for the middle as Romney did in running away from the RW knuckle draggers he coveted in the primaries.  Not that he's really abandoning the band of hativists, anti-choice zealots, neocons, Evangelical gay bashers and low information gaggle of the resentful....they are useful in forwarding the agenda of the 1%, but right now it's "wink-wink"...he'll veer right quickly after November 6, of that we can be sure.  Hopefully, he'll be doing that in La Jolla rather than DC!

Really tho...where are the major national voices for true progressive and, yes, liberal policies?  I know, "Code Pink" exists but is represented as a quicky bunch rather than as the moral voice they are.  Where is the George McGovern of today?

More later...for now, my theme...from one of the voices I miss:
