Wednesday, November 14, 2012

 Will They Ever Learn?

John McCain politicizing the Benghazi tragedy and calls Susan Rice  "...not too bright...unqualified..."

Funny...we're supposed to forget about another SoS named Rice.... Condi, who as NatSecurity Chief ignored clear warnings about 9/11....who, along with McCain, screamed about WMDs and brought us the Iraqi War with what, 4500 dead?  And their sources both times....the CIA.....Susan Rice's source of info that Sunday?  The CIA!

Really...who cares what Susan Rice said after the fact?  It could be that the video & tragedy were "co-incidental"...that's within the same time frame.  It could be that the Admin didn't want to show their cards....what they the certainly wasn't designed for political benefit....there was none.  Thankfully, the political hearings by Issa et. al. have backfired because they were so patently obvious!  That they outed a CIA safe house and operations in Libya border on treason, but nothing new with republicrites...remember Valerie Plame?

Face facts....Ambassador Chris Stevens knew the security risks in Benghazi; his diary shows that.  He certainly knew that Eastern Libya had sent more fighters against American forces in Iraq than any other region.  He chose to go anyway, on that date and with inadequate security.  For that mistake he paid with his life and three others.  I don't blame....I simply assign responsibility, the first level of which is on the ground!

funny...Jason Chavetz is on TV shooting his mouth off as I type...thanx A-hole for outing the CIA house in Benghazi.....only what we've learned to expect!   But he's got the flag on his lapel...but never on his arm.  That's why I call'em Republicrites!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Short Reign as "Dear Leader"

I hereby announce my candidacy for the position of "Dear Leader."  I would need that power to carry out the following agenda!

1)...I hereby decree that the next Presidential Election may not start until 1Jan2016!  Really, we can do this.  Bobby Kennedy didn't even enter the race until april of 1968 and he wrapped up the nomination (and wudda won!) in June.  Of course, he was then mysteriously murdered...the saddest day of my life.  He did that in 2 we really need a perpetual election cycle?

Let no candidate file until caucuses or primaries until March.....done by June, 4 months.  The British do entire elections in 6 weeks!  Conventions in August....must we?  Campaign starts on Labor Day...done in early November...2 months.  Enough already...and maybe Fox & MSNBC can debate policy and not personality.

2)  I decree that Citizens United be gone in both concept & reality...fugetabout it!!!  Do we really want Sheldon Adelson taking his profits from Chinese casinos and attempting to buy influence for his super hawk Neocon views?  And no, corporations are NOT people!  There are reasons they incorporate into a separate legal entity and it ain't to buy elections!

The two Presidential campaigns have spent over $1B each....who knows the total for the thousands of federal, state & local races?  Our elections, down the line, are bought and paid for folks, and that local judge can affect your liife far more than any President!  Go back to real folks contributing sensible amounts and quit giving the networks a giant windfall every election cycle!

3)  Wipe "K Street" in DC off the map....make it disappear....where?  Never heard of it.  Let the House of Representatives become the "Peoples House."  I know, what a concept.  Let the Senate return to learned debate.  Let the President present the outline, the parameters of domestic policy while keeping his eye on our enemies...unfortunately, that never ends!

There are only 2 issues in domestic policy...debt & inequality.  So let Pelosi & Schumer  present a solution for debt and sell it to the CEOs....and let Paul Ryan and Pat Toomey deal with inequality and present it to minorities, students, the elderly, etc.  Get out of your comfort zones people....this is serious business!

5)  I resign....never wanted to be "Dear Leader" anyways....I'm too tall for door ways in North Korea....too much testosterone to be Queen Elizabeth....besides....I wouldn't wanna live in a country that would elect me!  I'm just advice is free....go for it!
