As I watched Romney in his disastrous press conference the other day I noted his brief description of a Romney foreign policy. He did emphasize another tenet of what has come to be called "The Powell Doctrine"...use overwhelming superiority of forces to exercise the mission (I have no idea why that was not covered in the brief Wikipedia link, but there are plenty of other sources, including his original article in Foreign Affairs Quarterly, circa 1992.) Well, Romney is being encouraged, or forced, to give a major speech on foreign affairs. Watch carefully...lives could depend on it!
Certain things are clear. Romney is surrounded by the old Bush Neocon crowd who ignored the tenets of General Powell's admonition in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Try going through the list of questions...some can be answered in the positive, particularly in the AfPak theater...literally none can be affirmed in the case of Iraq but history shows that they didn't care to either ask nor answer any of them....they had their agenda, reason and history be damned. Thousands of lives later the Middle East is, well, different. Yet Nobody can predict even the near future as we are witnessing today. It is also clear that the West and America in particular has no control over that future!
So I ask you to note the questions above. You might try running through them concerning recent conflicts, or even those of other eras. Then ask...where can all of them be answered in the affirmative?
Romney is certain to echo the present Israeli government in beating the Drums of War with Iran. A Knesset & Likud member was on Morning Joe this week and clearly stated that, in his opinion, all peaceful means have been exhausted. He is representative of this most extreme and aggressive Israeli government in the history of modern Israel...are we to turn over our foreign policy to them?
Something to think about it as we await Romney's mandatory speech!